Tuesday 3 November 2009

obsession + (chocolate * web 2.0)

...that would be this blog right here:

the london twirls project

OK, I could just about accept Borders selling Twirls, but B&Q? Really? But, yes - in a vending machine near the tills, they sell all sorts of chocolates and sweets in what I guess is intended as a way of silencing bored youngsters as they are dragged around, while their parents pick out the particular type of solid wood flooring boards they want for the front room. B&Q is amazing though, it's the perfect shop if you're a serial killer - they sell everything. In fact, I'm amazed any parent would need to resort to bribing their child with chocolate in B&Q - they sell AXES. If that's not enough to make a kid shut the f*%k up, I don't know what is.